Roo Bannister 



After Sixth Form I knew I wanted to do either Art or History but I wasn’t sure. I got into uni but then decided to take a gap year in London. So I did that and sold chocolate with my best friend. Then I went to UCL and studied Ancient History and Egyptology. I only did a year because turns out hieroglyphics are very hard. I was always interested in jewellery, especially ancient jewellery, but it was when I was at UCL that I really decided that I wanted to make these treasures. I would go to the British Museum and stare at their beautiful Egyptian collection. Everyone loves them but obviously you can’t have them unless you have thousands so I thought, right, I’ll make my own.

Meet Roo. She's an absolutely indomitable woman and, importantly for us, the maker of stunning pieces of jewellery, all of which are inspired by the Ancient World.

Check out her beautiful work HERE.